
Dental problems are mostly preventable, but other existing conditions can sometimes complicate treatment. Bone softening from subluxations or occlusions can cause a loss of sensation in and around the mouth and lead to emergency vet services. The best way to avoid dental issues from occurring in your pets is by making sure he or she has an annual teeth cleaning. Our team provides the dental care your pet needs to stay healthy. Proper dental hygiene will keep your pet free of potential dental health issues such as bleeding gums, broken teeth, loose teeth, mouth ulcers, and more. Periodontal disease is caused by the buildup of bacteria in your pet's teeth. The bacteria form plaque will eventually develop into tartar and cause gingivitis in your pet. This leads to infection in the roots and loosening of the teeth.

If gingivitis remains untreated, the disease continues damaging the bone structure, eventually getting into the bloodstream and causing irreparable damage to the kidney, liver, and heart. Proper dental care also protects pets from broken teeth. If your pet is exposed to hard toys with weak teeth, he or she can end up breaking teeth causing infections and a lot of pain.

Our Services

Dental Procedures

  • We offer professional dental cleanings performed by highly trained and qualified staff. Dental cleanings in dogs and cats should involve all the same steps as they do in humans.

    We start with a thorough oral exam and interpretation of dental radiographs by one of our doctors to determine what treatments are best for each individual tooth. Once the oral health of each pet has been completely evaluated, the dental cleaning is performed using a combination of ultrasonic scaling, hand scaling and polishing. Teeth with advanced periodontal disease may require specialized methods to completely clean, which could involve periodontal surgery by one of our doctors.

  • Canine and Feline dental cleanings are not complete without full mouth X-rays. Though in many cases, the visible crown of the tooth may appear normal, Dental x-rays can reveal problems with the root below. Once all of the teeth have been X-rayed, our veterinarian will review them and decide what treatment, if any, is required for each tooth. We recommend adding full mouth dental X-rays to every dental cleaning procedure. This allows us to stay ahead of any underlying issues that maybe be hinden beneath the gum line to ensure yours pets stays healthy.

    The Benefits of Dental X-Rays:

    • Early Diagnosis of Any Periodontal Disease or Issues Beneath the Gum Line.

    • Making Sure Your Dog and Cats Mouth Is Pain Free

    • Dental Radiographs Have a Higher Image Quality Than Regular Film X-rays

    • They Offer Instant Results, Allow For a Faster Diagnosis

    • There Is Less Radiation Exposure Than With Film X-rays

    • Digital Radiography Is Environmentally Friendly

  • When our dogs are experiencing dental pain, we normally don’t know it. You may notice your pet favoring one side of their mouth when they play or eat, but most warning signs are not as obvious. Pet rarely show symptoms of dental issues. Dental pain typically comes on slowly, and pets learn to live with it. When those issues are treated appropriately, you will likely notice a happier, more carefree fur baby.

    Reasons Why Dogs Need Tooth Extractions:

    • Gum Disease

    • Broken Teeth

    • Unerupted Teeth

    • Tooth Decay

    • Root Abscess

    Procedures can vary depending on the tooth and the disease process. Prior to any extraction, we provide a nerve block that lasts six to eight hours to help minimize oral pain and discomfort.

    Depending on the tooth and level of disease, extraction procedures can vary from simple to complex. Simple extracts involve gentle traction and losing of the periodontal ligaments until the tooth can easily be removed. Complex extractions may involve removing the bone that covers each root, section the tooth into individual roots, and extract each root separately. The alveolus (socket) is flushed to remove any debris, and the extraction site is closed with absorbable sutures.