Minimally Invasive Surgery

The Future of Veterinary Medicine

New technology has paved the way for incredible new veterinary surgical techniques that are the future of veterinary medicine. This new approach has been used to either complement or replace traditional techniques.  Minimally invasive procedures are described as procedures that require 2 small incisions or sometimes referred to as key-hole surgery. A camera is placed in one of these small incisions in order to avoid a large incision that is very painful for patients after surgery. The benefits of minimally invasive procedures are: the incisions are much smaller, quicker recovery time, amazing visualization of the internal organs, no suture removal required and less anesthesia. Typically, patients can go back to normal activity in 5-7 days as opposed to 14 days with traditional techniques. We are proud to be the one of the few practices in the greater Los Angeles area to offer laparoscopic procedures to our patients.

Procedures Performed

Dr. Antonio Pedraza believes that minimally invasive procedures is the key for caring and a fast recovery. By performing a procedure laparoscopically, the incisions are two tiny holes (1/4 of an inch) in which we will be able to view and access the entire abdomen.

Dr. Pedraza will be able to examine the liver, spleen, bladder, kidneys, and the small intestines with his camera to ensure that all organs are functioning correctly. Activity restriction is only recommended for the first 3-5 days after a laparoscopic procedure.

For example, here are the factors to consider for a traditional spay:

  • 5-10 Cm Incisions

  • Pain and bruising from blindly tearing ovarian ligament

  • Post-operative pain more significant

  • Open abdomen surgical procedure

  • Recovery is usually 2-3 weeks with limited activity

  • By performing a spay laparoscopically, the incisions are two tiny holes (1/4 of an inch) in which we will be able to view and access the entire abdomen. The procedure involves removal of the ovaries. Conventional open surgical spaying of female dogs and cats usually involves removal of the ovaries and uterus together (ovariohysterectomy). The key-hole ovariectomy operation is quicker, less involved and less painful than the conventional spay procedure. The ovarian ligament is not torn from the body, but carefully cut and cauterized with virtually no bleeding or pain. No tension is placed on the uterus.

    Advantages of a Laparoscopic Spay:

    • 2 Tiny Incisions (Holes) - 1/4in to 1/2in

    • Reduced pain due to precise surgical cuts

    • Up to 65% less post-operative pain

    • Minimally invasive technique reduces chance of infection

    • Pet will be able to return to normal activity faster - very important for very active or larger breeds.

  • Neutering and removal of the retained testicle(s) are recommended as soon as possible. A scope or camera is inserted into the abdominal cavity through a 1/3-inch incision.

    A second 1/3-inch mm instrument port is established in the abdomen. This port serves to pick up the retained testicle with a laparoscopic instrument.

    Reasons for doing this procedure via Laparoscopy:

    • The incision is significantly smaller than a regular exploratory surgery.

    • A camera is in the abdomen to check all major organs.

    • Less invasive and faster recovery.

    • Less anesthesia time.

  • Preventative Gastropexy via laparoscopy is a preventative minimally invasive procedure that can ensure your pet is safe from this life-threatening condition in the future, and will help you to know you are taking a proactive approach to keeping your furry family member safe and healthy.

    Laparoscopic Gastropexy is recommended to prevent bloat in high-risk large breed dogs. These include great Danes, Irish wolfhounds, German shepherds, and Standard Poodles. Previously this surgery was performed through a 10-12 inch abdominal incision. Now, a minimally invasive procedure called, laparoscopic gastropexy can be performed to achieve the same result. Laparoscopic gastropexy can be performed in conjunction with other procedures such as laparoscopic spaying and laparoscopic removal of abdominal testicles. Minimally invasive surgery reduces morbidity and postsurgical pain, as compared to open conventional gastropexy.

    Advantages of Laparascopic Gastropexy:

    • Small incisions, (maximum 2 inches) therefore less scarring.

    • Less bruising of the abdominal scar.

    • Faster recovery and less post-surgical pain.

    • Quicker and better recovery.

    • Prophylactic surgery prevents life-threatening twist of stomach.

    • Save the expensive cost and stress of treating life-threatening bloat.

  • A laparoscopic liver biopsy is a procedure to take small tissue samples from the internal organs. The samples are then sent for evaluation under a microscope and tested in other ways to look for signs of damage or disease. The biopsies help confirm a diagnosis, assess severity, and help determine the best treatment options for damage or disease.

    Advantages of Laparoscopic Biopsy:

    • Small incisions (1/4-1/2 inch in size)

    • Faster recovery: can return to normal activity in 5-7 days.

    • Minimal pain: because the incisions are very small, there is minimal pain to obtain the samples.